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Integrated Horticulture Development Mission - Uttar Pradesh

Updated : 14th Jul 2023
Integrated Horticulture Development Mission - Uttar Pradesh

Integrated Horticulture Development Mission - Uttar Pradesh

The main objectives of the scheme are as follows:

  • Development of horticulture sector through area based local differentiated strategy, which includes research, technology promotion, extension, post-harvest management, processing and marketing, in harmony with the comparative advantage of the State/region and its diverse agro-climatic characteristics to provide all round growth.
  • To increase horticulture production, improve nutritional security and help in income generation for farmers.
  • To make many ongoing planned programs for horticulture development synergistically cooperative and to encourage them to work towards each other.
  • To promote, develop and disseminate technology through modern scientific knowledge.
  • To provide employment generation opportunities to skilled and unskilled persons, especially the unemployed youth.
  • To ensure all round development from one end to the other by developing compact areas to ensure fair income to the farmers/producers.
  • Converting areas of traditional crops into production areas of orchards, flowers, vegetables and spices.
  • Reducing post harvest losses and promoting infrastructure facilities for their storage.


  • Integrated Horticulture Development Mission, establishment of drip/sprinkler irrigation, medicinal plants mission, horticulture development in SC/ST dominated areas, National Agriculture Development Plan and programs for human resource development in food processing are being implemented in the state.
  • Beneficiary farmers in Bundelkhand and Vindhya regions are being given special concessions to encourage them to establish new orchards on their fields.
  • The cuttings, seeds and ornamental plants produced at the departmental production units are being made available to the general public at the cost price without profit or loss.
  • Training programs are being conducted for beekeeping, betel development, mushroom production etc.
  • By state government Uttar Pradesh Food Processing Industry Policy-2017 Has been promulgated through which several concessions and exemptions have been provided for setting up industries in the state along with capital subsidy, interest generation, quality and certification market development, research and development and export promotion.
  • Uttar Pradesh Potato Development Policy-2014 Various types of facilities and exemptions are also being provided for the all-round and well-planned development of potato, the main cash crop of the state by promulgation.
  • Three centres of excellence for vegetables have been set up in Kanpur, Kannauj and Jhansi.
  • To promote Fruit farming agriculture, Bundelkhand is being developed as a new fruit belt of the state. For this, there is a proposal to set up a centre of excellence for the cultivation of dates and other fruits in Banda.
  •  The government in every district decided to make One centre of excellence.

Sub-schemes under MIDH:


  1. National Horticulture Mission
  2. Horticulture Mission for North Eastern and Himalayan States
  3. National Horticulture Board
  4. Coconut Development Board
  5. Central Institute of Horticulture