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UPPSC Mains Previous Question Papers

Updated : 14th Jul 2023
UPPSC Mains Previous Question Papers
UPPSC Mains Previous Year Papers

Are you preparing for the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) Mains exam and looking for the best resources to help you succeed? Look no further than UPPSC Mains previous year papers! These papers are an invaluable tool for any serious candidate, as they provide a comprehensive understanding of the exam pattern, difficulty level, and important topics. With years of experience in the field, UPPSC Mains previous year papers are trusted by aspirants as an effective way to boost their preparation and ensure success in the exam. By practicing these papers, you can improve your time management skills, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and gain confidence in your ability to crack the exam. So, if you want to ace the UPPSC Mains exam, start practicing with UPPSC Mains previous year papers today and take your preparation to the next level!

Download UPPSC Mains Previous Year Papers on the following page:
UPPSC Mains Previous Year Papers
Importance of Solving Previous Year Papers

Solving previous year papers is an essential part of exam preparation. It helps candidates to get an idea of the exam pattern and the type of questions asked in the exam. Additionally, solving previous year papers provides a platform for candidates to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, and work on improving them.

For UPPSC Mains aspirants, solving previous year papers is crucial as it helps them to understand the intricacies of the exam. The UPPSC Mains exam is known for its toughness, and solving previous year papers helps candidates to get a grasp of the exam's difficulty level. Solving previous year papers also helps candidates to identify important topics and subject areas that need more attention, which can be helpful in creating a focused study plan.

Overview of UPPSC Mains Previous Year Papers

UPPSC Mains previous year papers are a set of question papers that were asked in the UPPSC Mains exam in the past. These papers are available in both English and Hindi languages. The UPPSC Mains exam is a written exam that consists of nine papers, out of which seven are compulsory, and two are optional. These papers are designed to test the candidate's knowledge of the subject matter, as well as their analytical and writing skills.

The UPPSC Mains previous year papers cover all the subjects that are part of the UPPSC Mains exam. The papers include questions from subjects such as General Studies, Hindi, English, Essay, and Optional Subjects. Solving these papers can help candidates to get an idea of the exam's difficulty level, subject-wise weightage, and important topics.

UPPSC Mains Previous Year Papers Subject-Wise Analysis

Solving UPPSC Mains previous year papers subject-wise can help candidates to identify their strengths and weaknesses in each subject. It can also help them to get a better understanding of the subject matter and improve their overall performance in the exam.

General Studies is one of the most important subjects in the UPPSC Mains exam. Solving previous year papers in General Studies can help candidates to get a better understanding of the subject matter, as well as the exam pattern. The papers cover topics such as Indian Polity, Economy, History, Environment, and Current Affairs.

Hindi and English are also important subjects in the UPPSC Mains exam. Solving previous year papers in these subjects can help candidates to improve their language skills, as well as their understanding of grammar and vocabulary. The papers cover topics such as Comprehension, Precis Writing, Translation, and Essay Writing.

Optional subjects vary for each candidate, and solving previous year papers in the chosen optional subject can help candidates to get a better understanding of the subject matter, as well as the type of questions asked in the exam.

How to Effectively Use Previous Year Papers for Preparation

Simply solving previous year papers is not enough to crack the UPPSC Mains exam. Candidates need to use these papers effectively to improve their overall performance. Here are some tips for using UPPSC Mains previous year papers effectively:

1. Create a study plan: Before solving previous year papers, candidates should create a study plan that includes the topics they need to cover, the time they need to devote to each subject, and the number of papers they need to solve.

2. Analyze the papers: Candidates should analyze the previous year papers subject-wise to identify important topics, the difficulty level of the questions, and the weightage of each topic.

3. Practice time management: UPPSC Mains exam is a time-bound exam, and candidates need to manage their time effectively to complete the paper on time. Candidates should use previous year papers to practice time management and improve their speed and accuracy.

4. Work on weaknesses: After analyzing the papers, candidates should work on improving their weaknesses. They can do this by focusing on the topics they find difficult, revising the concepts, and practicing more questions related to those topics.

Tips for Solving UPPSC Mains Previous Year Papers

Solving UPPSC Mains previous year papers can be daunting, but with the right approach, candidates can ace the exam. Here are some tips for solving UPPSC Mains previous year papers:

1. Read the instructions carefully: Candidates should read the instructions on the question paper carefully before attempting the paper.

2. Manage time effectively: As mentioned earlier, time management is crucial for the UPPSC Mains exam. Candidates should use previous year papers to practice time management and improve their speed and accuracy.

3. Attempt easy questions first: Candidates should attempt the easy questions first to gain confidence and save time for the difficult questions.

4. Revise the paper: After completing the paper, candidates should revise their answers to check for mistakes or errors.

Where to Find UPPSC Mains Previous Year Papers

UPPSC Mains previous year papers are available on various online platforms, including the official UPPSC website, coaching institute websites, and other educational websites. Candidates can also purchase previous year papers from bookshops or online stores.

Importance of Time Management While Solving Previous Year Papers

Time management is crucial for the UPPSC Mains exam, and candidates should use previous year papers to practice time management. Solving previous year papers can help candidates to identify the time-consuming topics and plan their time accordingly. Candidates should also use previous year papers to improve their speed and accuracy, which can save time during the actual exam.

Strategies to Improve Performance Using Previous Year Papers

Solving UPPSC Mains previous year papers is not just about practicing questions. It is also about improving performance and increasing the chances of success. Here are some strategies that candidates can use to improve their performance using previous year papers:

1. Analyze the papers: Candidates should analyze the papers subject-wise to identify important topics, the difficulty level of the questions, and the weightage of each topic.

2. Work on weaknesses: After analyzing the papers, candidates should work on improving their weaknesses. They can do this by focusing on the topics they find difficult, revising the concepts, and practicing more questions related to those topics.

3. Improve time management: Candidates should use previous year papers to practice time management and improve their speed and accuracy.

4. Revise regularly: Candidates should revise the previous year papers regularly to reinforce their knowledge, identify mistakes, and improve their performance.


UPPSC Mains previous year papers are an invaluable tool for any serious candidate preparing for the UPPSC Mains exam. They provide a comprehensive understanding of the exam pattern, difficulty level, and important topics. Solving these papers can help candidates to improve their time management skills, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and gain confidence in their ability to crack the exam. By following the tips and strategies mentioned in this article, candidates can use previous year papers effectively and increase their chances of success in the UPPSC Mains exam.